Monday, March 28, 2011

Healthy Supplements in Radioactive Times

Last week, I talked about some of the supplements that are being widely recommended and which ones are harmful, which are beneficial. In this current climate of radioactive leaks, it is important that you get the best supplement.

Before we get into this, I would like to say that I think a quality, natural, species specific diet is the best way to maintain good health, in any circumstance, for anyone. The best food quality is organic, which is more nutrient dense than conventional farmed food, which merely looks good.

This link provides more details on species specific food. Good Food is Essential to Good Health.

Isolated nutrients (such as calcium, selenium, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, potassium iodine, multi vitamins, etc) are all made in a laboratory. They are synthetic supplements. They lack the complexity and balance of those found in food.

They are inorganic. Inorganic materials have strong bonds, termed “electrovalent” or “ionic”. Your body does not know how to use these materials. If you are lucky, they will be eliminated. If you are unlucky, they will be stored somewhere in your body, ready to emerge at some later date as a health problem.

Studies have indicated that kidney stones, some forms of arthritis, anaemia along with many nutrient deficiencies may all be as a result of synthetic supplements. Nutrient deficiency include too much iron depleting copper, too much calcium depleting magnesium, and so on.

Physical bodies don’t have the physiological capability of converting inorganic material into usable organic materials. So not only are isolated supplements a waste of money, they can be the cause of health issues.

It’s ironic isn’t it - you try to be healthy by taking a supplement, but this can be the cause of your health problems.

It is also very easy to overdose on these supplements.

Even supplements made from inorganic minerals or elements (which occur naturally), still can’t be utilised by your body. This includes ‘colloidal’ and ‘liquid minerals’.

However, plants that grow on mineral rich soils break these strong bonds, incorporating the minerals into their complex structure. When minerals are a natural part of a plant, they are easily digested by those who eat them. Our system easily digests and utilises them. They are in perfect balance, with other essential and supportive minerals and vitamins.

It is impossible to overdose on plant based nutrients, as your body easily eliminates excess.

Algae is not only a plant, but a superfood. All macro and trace nutrients are present in abundance and in natural balance. But not all algae is equal. Some is farmed using chemical fertilisers. Much is farmed in polluted seas.

Lake Klamath in the US is considered to be the most unpolluted source by most serious practitioners in the natural health industry.

Lake Klamath blue-green algae is AFA – Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae, considered to be a superior algae with many health promoting properties. It is also naturally fed by mineral rich streams. It has strong de-toxing properties - a great bonus in today’s polluted environment with or without radiation leaks.

I use Crystal Sweet Algae, which can be safely imported into Australia, with its tough importing policies. Other good sources are E3AFA or E3Live.

Many drugs are what are known as “nutrient thieves”. That is, they will rob your body of essential nutrients.

For example

  • Antacids rob the body of the vitamins A, B complex and C, calcium and phosphorus.
  • Antibiotics rob the body of the vitamin B complex and K, as well as friendly bacteria.
  • Antihistamines rob the body of vitamin C.
  • Aspirin robs the body of the vitamins A, B complex and C, calcium, potassium and iron.
  • Oral contraceptives rob the body of vitamin B complex, C, D and E and magnesium.
  • Diuretics cause a magnesium deficiency.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. For more information you might like to purchase this book.

Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients--and Natural Ways to Restore Them