Tuesday, June 29, 2010

High Protein Diets Can Be Detrimental to Your Health

Your body pH should be between 7.35 and 7.45 to be healthy. Anything outside of this range will allow ill health to creep in.

Short term symptoms of high acidity include

  • low energy
  • excess weight
  • poor digestion
  • aches and pains
  • inflammatory process
  • is toxic so allows for the overgrowth of bacteria, parasites, fungi, in fact any pathogen

Long term symptoms can include

  • any serious health disorder
  • osteoporosis
  • muscle cramps
  • chronic inflammation

There are many foods which cause a high acid level which are very popular. They include all processed foods. They also include high levels of animal protein. When your body is acid, it leaches calcium from your bones and teeth and magnesium from your muscles in an effort to maintain your critical body pH level.

High protein diets probably will help you lose weight, but at what cost? Only you can decide if the pay off is worth it. If you are attracted to these diets, then perhaps the way to go is for a short period only.

Alkalising food includes all fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds.

I have heard that people lose incredible amounts of weight on a totally raw food (all plant based) diet, such that they are concerned they have contracted a wasting disease. And these diets are highly health promoting.

Going raw doesn’t happen overnight. And it’s quite OK to have some cooked food occasionally, even when you are almost all raw. What matters is that you are feeding your body with the nutrients in needs, in natural balance. How else can it do the job of caring for you?

Food and nutrition are complicated. Very little is really known about them. My reasoning comes from following natural laws. Humans have generally made a mess of things. Our knowledge is incomplete and keeps being added to, as new discoveries are being made.

Stress, anxiety, fear and anger can also create an acid environment. While everyone will experience these emotions from time to time, it is the long exposure to, or the unresolved emotions that have a detrimental effect on your body. This is where homeopathic treatment comes in, as it offers perhaps the fastest and best way to heal these emotions at a deep level, returning your body pH to a healthy, alkaline level.

Regularly taking a pH reading can give you an idea of what’s happening over time. This means you can stop doing something if you can see a steadily worsening acid reading, or relax somewhat if you can see a steadily improving alkaline reading.

I do believe it is possible to lose weight with homeopathy alone, but that may require very regular visits over a long time period.

You may also be interested in reading the following article about protein:

Find Enough Protein in a Vegetarian Diet

And one on the benefits of bicarbonate of soda in raising your pH levels:

Baking Soda Offers Many Miraculous and Mundane Uses

And this is something I found some time ago, but can't remember the source:

Weight loss tip of the month
A higher protein diet doesn't have to be carb free to help you lose weight.

Severely restricting carbohydrates is not the reason some people experience weight loss with a high-protein diet.

It's the protein that sates their appetite and helps them lose weight. In a study, people who ate just a bit more protein each day, while eating less fat and an average amount of carbs, felt sated earlier, ate fewer calories, and still lost weight.

Some high-protein diets ask people to eat three times as much protein as they do carbohydrates and limit their carbs to as little as 50 grams per day or less.

Severely limiting carbohydrate intake and getting most of your calories from protein can be unhealthy.  Many healthy foods are high in carbohydrate, including whole grains (such as quinoa, barley, wild rice), legumes, fruits, and vegetables. A diet that severely restricts carbs will lack these nutritious foods.

For optimum health, to feel better and have more energy and
loose weight, eat a healthy, well-balanced,diet consisting of foods from all major food groups!