Monday, July 25, 2011

What Is a Healthy Human Diet?

I am passionate about species specific food. Some time ago, I wrote about the most suitable and healthy diet for humans, based on how we evolved. I received a very interesting reply about this from Rajesh Singhal, adding to my awareness.

So in this article, I want to explore the points he raised, as well as the food you evolved on.

Let’s start with the pointers to how you evolved.

Cats are undisputed carnivores. Horses are undisputed herbivores. Humans, along with chimps, dogs and various other species are omnivores, meaning you can survive on both meat and plant matter. But this is just the start. What the bulk of your food should be depends on which end you are closest to - the herbivore end or the carnivore end.

Carnivores have spiky, sharp and pointed teeth, to capture prey and pierce tough skin. Herbivores tend to have blunt and squarish teeth to grind up tough plant matter.
Humans have blunt teeth. (Dogs have spiky teeth.)

Carnivores have short intestines (about 3 times their body length), as raw meat is quickly processed by the gut. Herbivores have long intestines (about 10 times their body length) as plant matter takes longer to be processed and absorbed.
Humans have long intestines - about 10 times the body length. (Dogs have short intestines.)

Carnivores have strong stomach acid to digest meat. That of herbivores 20 times weaker.
Humans stomach acid matches the strength of a herbivore. (Dogs have strong stomach acid.)

Carnivores have acid saliva which does nor contain ptyalin. Herbivores have alkaline saliva that contains ptyalin. Ptyalin aids the pre-digestion of plant matter.
Human saliva is alkaline and contains ptyalin. (Dog saliva is acid.)

Carnivores have claws to restrain their prey. Herbivores have no claws.
Humans have no claws. (Dogs have claws, even though they are non retractable.)

Carnivores perspire through their paws and panting. Herbivores perspire through skin pores.
Humans sweat through skin pores. (Dogs perspire by panting and through their paws.)

This is a complex subject, and there are many more pointers to the fact that we are genetically geared to a vegetarian diet, that animal protein harms us.

However, chimps, our closest cousins, do occasionally eat raw meat. Perhaps once a week or once a month. Because of this I feel, an occasional meat meal, as long as it a quality, fresh and raw, especially from an ethically reared and slaughtered animal (if there is such a thing) is unlikely to harm.

The French eat steak tartar, a raw meat dish. The Japanese, famed for their hygiene and health, eat raw fish. Indigenous people, such as the Eskimos, eat raw flesh.

But animal protein (this include dairy and eggs as well as flesh) undoubtadly makes humans acid. It is only in an acid environment that disease can occur, in humans. It is impossible for disease to occur in an alkaline environment. Dr Simoncini in Rome treats cancer very successfully by directly injecting a strong alkaline solution into the artery feeding the tumour.

So I have to agree with Rajesh Singhal when he states that “A vegetarian diet is the best for our mind, body and spirit.”

This article explores more on Myths, facts and opinions on vegetarianism and eating meat.

In addition to food, some emotions can also make us acid, such as constant or strong fear or anger. For this, the best option is homeopathic treatment. In contrast, compassion and love makes us alkaline.

This means one of the best tests to monitor your health is a simple pH tester.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Curing Alzheimers With Diet

Although successful homeopathic treatment is not dependent on you eating right, on having good nutritious and species specific food in the way you were meant to eat it, this is obviously going to increase your chances of a long and healthy life.

There have been many debates over the healthy benefits, or lack of, between the use of butter or margarine. To be candid, I think the process of eating bread is questionable, let alone the spread.

The majority of bread sold is white. Taking the husk out of wheat renders the product much more indigestible than when it is left in. In effect, you have removed the key that makes bread digestible. No wonder celiac disease is becoming so common.

Even wholemeal bread is far from perfect. Wheat is an intensely farmed product - with the wide use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides. In addition, to store wheat in a silo, highly toxic fumigators are used. The handlers of these need to be extremely careful, as a slip up can kill them.

And the bread hasn’t even started its life yet.

Needless to say, questionable ingredients are added to bread, some supposedly for your benefit and some for the manufacturer’s benefit.

Yet bread is considered a staple food. It may have been once, when it was made from wholesome ingredients. But not the variety on the typical supermarket shelf.

Then comes the spread. Again, this is a loaded topic and one which has much misinformation surrounding it. Butter is a natural (ish) product, as long as it is not highly processed. But the very way the dairy industry is created causes much suffering to another species. Isn’t the ultimate cruelty to a mother the permanent removal of her newborn? You have to decide whether this sits comfortably with you.

I’m not getting into the cholesterol debate on this one, as I don’t consider it has any value.

Certainly butter is healthier for you than the common margarines, which have been highly processed and contain many strange and questionable ingredients, not least the processed fats.

However, there is another spread, one that has been responsible for curing at least two cases of alzheimers disease.

Mary Newport’s husband was showing early signs of dementia. As a medical practitioner herself, Mary knew the limitations of the medical approach to alzheimer’s. She researched the alternatives available and came up with coconut oil. She noticed a distinct improvement in her husband after only two days of including coconut oil in his diet. He went on to recover almost all his lost faculties.

Bruce Flett is another example. He could not undertake even basic tasks such as dialing the telephone. His wife started to feed him coconut oil in his diet. Within HOURS of his first taste, he started to regain his faculties.

I think it was in one of James Michener’s epic books that I read of a long term prisoner on a starvation diet who only managed to remain healthy by the smuggling in of coconuts. Coconut is a complete food.

Whilst there are many reasons for any disease, including alzheimer’s, if diet (and the lack of healthy fats) is the cause, then this is likely to make a big impact.

I suggest the whole current theory of fats is incorrect. I consider all processed and all animals fats unhealthy. But coconut oil, along with other natural plant based foods high in fat such as avocado, nuts and seeds, are healthy. You can also use coconut oil in cooking and frying. It is far more stable than any other oil, including olive oil. Exchange the butter or margarine in baking or chocolate making for coconut oil. Include coconut milk in smoothies, instead of milk or even water.

Coconut is a stable superfood.

And I haven’t even begun to talk about the unhealthy conserves, yeast spreads and popular chocolate or nut spreads. But at least you will know your coconut oil on the bread is healthy.

The Coconut Research Centre gives you some great ideas of what this superfood can do for you.

I offer Skype consultations worldwide for both people and animals. For more information please click here

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Healthy Supplements in Radioactive Times

Last week, I talked about some of the supplements that are being widely recommended and which ones are harmful, which are beneficial. In this current climate of radioactive leaks, it is important that you get the best supplement.

Before we get into this, I would like to say that I think a quality, natural, species specific diet is the best way to maintain good health, in any circumstance, for anyone. The best food quality is organic, which is more nutrient dense than conventional farmed food, which merely looks good.

This link provides more details on species specific food. Good Food is Essential to Good Health.

Isolated nutrients (such as calcium, selenium, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, potassium iodine, multi vitamins, etc) are all made in a laboratory. They are synthetic supplements. They lack the complexity and balance of those found in food.

They are inorganic. Inorganic materials have strong bonds, termed “electrovalent” or “ionic”. Your body does not know how to use these materials. If you are lucky, they will be eliminated. If you are unlucky, they will be stored somewhere in your body, ready to emerge at some later date as a health problem.

Studies have indicated that kidney stones, some forms of arthritis, anaemia along with many nutrient deficiencies may all be as a result of synthetic supplements. Nutrient deficiency include too much iron depleting copper, too much calcium depleting magnesium, and so on.

Physical bodies don’t have the physiological capability of converting inorganic material into usable organic materials. So not only are isolated supplements a waste of money, they can be the cause of health issues.

It’s ironic isn’t it - you try to be healthy by taking a supplement, but this can be the cause of your health problems.

It is also very easy to overdose on these supplements.

Even supplements made from inorganic minerals or elements (which occur naturally), still can’t be utilised by your body. This includes ‘colloidal’ and ‘liquid minerals’.

However, plants that grow on mineral rich soils break these strong bonds, incorporating the minerals into their complex structure. When minerals are a natural part of a plant, they are easily digested by those who eat them. Our system easily digests and utilises them. They are in perfect balance, with other essential and supportive minerals and vitamins.

It is impossible to overdose on plant based nutrients, as your body easily eliminates excess.

Algae is not only a plant, but a superfood. All macro and trace nutrients are present in abundance and in natural balance. But not all algae is equal. Some is farmed using chemical fertilisers. Much is farmed in polluted seas.

Lake Klamath in the US is considered to be the most unpolluted source by most serious practitioners in the natural health industry.

Lake Klamath blue-green algae is AFA – Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae, considered to be a superior algae with many health promoting properties. It is also naturally fed by mineral rich streams. It has strong de-toxing properties - a great bonus in today’s polluted environment with or without radiation leaks.

I use Crystal Sweet Algae, which can be safely imported into Australia, with its tough importing policies. Other good sources are E3AFA or E3Live.

Many drugs are what are known as “nutrient thieves”. That is, they will rob your body of essential nutrients.

For example

  • Antacids rob the body of the vitamins A, B complex and C, calcium and phosphorus.
  • Antibiotics rob the body of the vitamin B complex and K, as well as friendly bacteria.
  • Antihistamines rob the body of vitamin C.
  • Aspirin robs the body of the vitamins A, B complex and C, calcium, potassium and iron.
  • Oral contraceptives rob the body of vitamin B complex, C, D and E and magnesium.
  • Diuretics cause a magnesium deficiency.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. For more information you might like to purchase this book.

Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients--and Natural Ways to Restore Them